Pavel Suchman
DevOps Architect
Presentations by Pavel Suchman:
DevconTLV January Conference, Thursday, January 30, 2014, 13:20
Most of developers (at least in this audience ;) agree that DevOps is the way to go.
Beyond culture and processes there is the question of tools and skills in using them.
Most of the tools are new and not easy to learn and use.In this talk I would like to present different ways to acquire the needed skills, from RTFM to internet courses.
More Speakers at DevconTLV January
פלי הנמר
יזם ומנהיגPeople & Computers -
Boris Nadion
FounderAstrails -
Allon Mureinik
Team LeaderRed Hat -
Raphael Fogel
Organiser of #DevconTLV & #RailsIsraelCode4WD -
Gideon Greenspan
Developer, Entrepreneur, Lecturer -
Yoav Abrahami
Chief ArchitectWix -
Elad Shapira
Mobile Security ResearcherAVG -
Lital Hassine
Scrum master and a team leaderVMware -
Dotan Nahum
Chief ArchitectConduit -
Evgeny Zislis
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Jonathan Schipper
FounderJohnny505 Studios -
Rotem Itzhak
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Arthur Schmunk
Head of Cloud ServicesMatrix -
Ron Schwartz
Software DeveloperFTBpro -
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Senior Android EngineerFiverr -
Matan Berkowitz
Music Technology go-to guy -
Avi Kivity
CTO, FounderScyllaDB -
Dr. Dror Zernik
When successful - a trusted advisor -
Danny Kovatch
Founder & Chief Inspiration OfficerAgileSparks