Avi Kivity is known mostly for starting the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) project, the hypervisor underlying many production clouds.
He has worked for Qumranet and Red Hat as KVM maintainer until December 2012. Avi is now CTO, Cofounder at ScyllaDB a Cassandra-compatible NoSQL data store that promises 1 million transactions per second on a single server.
Presentations by Avi Kivity:
DevconTLV January Conference, Thursday, January 30, 2014, 09:15
In this talk I'll introduce OSv, a new, from-scratch operating system designed specifically for cloud deployments. We will showcase the operating system architecture and explain the performance and manageability improvements that can be expected.A comparative view of workload isolation technologies such as Linux, OSv, docker/containers and even zeroVm will highlight where and when should one use each.
Operating system developers, as well as application developers who deploy to the cloud may enjoy the talk. No special expertise is required.
More Speakers at DevconTLV January
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