Shai started as a Java programmer at the university, and when he decided to go out to the real world he had a love-hate relationship with Flash as an actionscript game developer. Finally, after recovering from the dead-end relationship, he settled as a happy backend developer at FTBpro, working mostly with Ruby, and has a fetish for databases.

Presentations by Shai Kerer:

  • DevconTLV January Conference, Thursday, January 30, 2014, 12:00

    Counting millions of events and showing real-time numbers and leaderboards is a big challenge in sites with high scalability.

    On, the largest fan-generated football media brand globally, we developed a counting database based on Nginx, Redis and Lua scripting language (!), leveraging them to create a live and scalable counting solution.

    We enjoyed the project so much that we open sourced it. Come and hear about our journey and product!

More Speakers at DevconTLV January

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