Elad is part of AVG Mobilation team working as a mobile security researcher. He specializes in Android app coding, penetration tests and mobile device risk assessment.
As a mobile security researcher, Elad is responsible for malware in-depth analysis, creating and updating malware signatures, vulnerabilities management for mobile threats, coding multipurpose prototypes for mobile devices (PoC), writing security-related web posts alongside of maintaining connections and relationships with the mobile device security community around the world.
Prior joining AVG, Elad worked for the Israeli government as an Information Security consultant.
Elad holds BSc in computer science from Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Israel and is a key note speaker at Israeli security conferences and events and also abroad. He also helps organise a digital survivor competition held in Israel.
Presentations by Elad Shapira:
DevconTLV January Conference, Thursday, January 30, 2014, 10:30
The lecture will enable a rare glimpse into the workings of hackers, when moving rapidly through a wide range of topics by using examples and stories of personal experience -
All in a wild and fun atmosphere but with a serious, in-depth and "out-of-the-box" perspective.
We will discuss and show updated Android related attacks, reversing tools and malware analysis methodology, Android internals and terminology, android forensics methodology and cool stuff you can do with your phone.
More Speakers at DevconTLV January
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